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Monday 16 February 2015

How To Tell Good Recruiters From Bad Ones

In business they talk about Barriers to Entry all the time. If you want
to start an airline, for instance, the barriers to entry are significant. You have to get a ton of money to buy planes. You have to hire pilots, flight attendants, maintenance folks and ground personnel. You have to get permission to fly into and out of airports. That’s why you, me and everybody we know doesn’t own an airline.

Some businesses have almost no barriers to entry. If you want to become an independent recruiter, sometimes called a search professional or a headhunter, the only barrier to entry is a business card — and now that I think about it, you don’t even need that. If you have a phone and an internet connection, you can start recruiting tomorrow.

When a business has no barriers to entry, anybody can get into it. That’s why there are amazing, talented and brilliant search professionals and truly godawful ones, and if you’re a job-seeker, you might not immediately spot the differences between them.

You can’t just send off your resume to any headhunter who calls you on the phone. If you give your resume to the wrong person, they can shop it all over town. They can trash your reputation by being unprofessional or rude to HR folks and hiring managers.

When I was a young HR person just stepping into the recruiting arena, I assumed that the search people who called my office day and night were salaried employees of their companies.

I was wrong! Most of them were earning pure commissions. That’s not an easy way to pay your rent. You have to hustle, and people in that situation can easily devolve. They can become nasty. Here are some of the things I heard on my voicemail from recruiters who wanted to get my attention:

 ”I have a fantastic candidate who isn’t going to be on the market long. If you don’t call me back within two hours I’m going to blacklist your company and you won’t have access to the best tech talent in the city. That’ll be the end of your HR career!”
“If I don’t hear from you today, I know your boss’s phone number and I wouldn’t hesitate to tell him you’re falling down on the job.”
“If you hire my candidate, there’s a cash bonus in it for you, too!”
I talked to other HR people, and they told me about the barriers-to-entry issue in the recruiting field. Some recruiting firms will hire anyone at all, figuring that if they’re not getting paid a salary, what does it hurt to put them on the phone and see if they can make it?

It’s horribly unethical, of course, for a recruiter to offer bonuses to HR people who hire their candidates, but if a recruiter were desperate enough, they might try that approach. Two very wise recruiting mentors of mine, Bob and Steve, had warned me to expect to hear from people like the three recruiters whose voice mail messages I excerpted above.

Folks like Bob and Steve represent the very highest standards. They helped our business grow by bringing us incredible employees year after year.

Every HR person and every job-seeker needs a top-drawer recruiter in his or her corner. That being said, you have to know how to tell the good recruiters from the bad ones, before you link up your brand with a recruiter’s brand!

Here are questions to ask a recruiter who calls you on the phone — before you start answering his or her questions about your own background and resume.

How long have you been recruiting? How long have you been with your current firm?
Which employers did you place new hires with in 2014? How many new employees did you place into jobs last year?
This job that you’re calling me about — how many new employees did you place with that employer last year? What is the culture of the organization like? What kinds of people thrive there?
This job opening, the one we’re discussing, reports to a certain department manager. What is that manager like? What are your impressions of him or her? What would it be like working in that manager’s group?
Has the hiring employer given you the assignment to look for this new hire, or are you talking to me and other candidates in hopes of being given the assignment?
While you are still on the phone, open a web browser and navigate to the headhunter’s LinkedIn profile. Read it carefully. If you have LinkedIn connections in common with the recruiter you’re talking with, write down their names so you can talk with them when you get off the phone and get their feedback on the recruiter you’re meeting now.

The biggest clue as to the professionalism of any recruiter is his or her telephone manner. If the search person is polite and respectful of your time, that’s a huge, positive sign. If he or she dives straight into interrogation mode and starts asking you pointed questions about what you’ve done in your past jobs, where you worked and for how long, and so on, get off the phone and end the relationship right there.

Later, when you have more time, you can get your recruiter’s take on your career aspirations and your short-term goals.

Good recruiters respect their candidates’ time and attention. They don’t browbeat them for information or behave as though they’re doing the person a favor by calling them. They’re not — actually, they’re intruding upon your busy life, and they need to know and acknowledge that.

Good recruiters always will!

Many recruiters won’t say “I have a job opening I’m trying to fill, and I wondered if you were interested.” They won’t  be that direct, because that might be seen as too forward. Instead, they’ll say “I wondered whether you might know anyone.” If you are interested in the job, you can say “I might know someone — can you please tell me more?” After you’ve heard more about the opportunity, you can say “I actually might be interested in this position myself.”

When you meet a great recruiter, someone who’s positive and professional and respectful of your time, pass his or her name around to your friends. Recruiters make money when they put great people into new jobs, so the more favors you can do for the awesome recruiters you know, the better!

Our client Angie got a call from a headhunter at nine p.m. one night. She was at home watching TV. They talked about a position at Microsoft that the recruiter was trying to fill. Angie was somewhat interested in the job. “I need you to create a PowerPoint presentation about social media, and send it to me by noon tomorrow,” said the recruiter.

Angie called us in the morning to get our opinion on that request. “It seems pretty pushy to call me up and command me to create a PowerPoint presentation, first thing,” she said.

“Forget it!” we said. “That recruiter will take your name off the PowerPoint deck and put his own name on it. He hasn’t earned the right to get you to do work for free.”

Angie didn’t send the PowerPoint deck. She got a screaming voice mail message from the guy later that day, which proved that her instinct was correct.

A month later, another recruiter called Angie about the same job at Microsoft. “There was a feeding frenzy a month ago when the company announced they needed some new people,” the recruiter told her. “All the headhunters in town were calling people like you. That guy wanted to use your PowerPoint presentation get an ‘in’ with the hiring manager.”

Angie learned the difference between good and bad recruiters that day. She’s been placed into jobs three times by her recruiter partner now, and he gives her fantastic career advice, too.

Take the time to decide which recruiters deserve to represent you, and which don’t. Show the bad ones the back of your Levi’s and remember that only the people who get you, deserve you!

Source: Forbes

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