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Tuesday 13 January 2015

Value Yourself (Self-Love)

Good morning folks, pardon me Intrusion, I got this from a friend and was inspired by it.

My friend, realize that the most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself.

You can be the most amazing human being in the world and everyone sees rays of light, love and genius when they look at you, but if you yourself don’t know it, all of that external admiration doesn’t matter one bit.  I know because I used to look at people who were successful and happy, and wonder, “What’s their secret?  Why can’t I be that way?”
After a long struggle of dealing with failures, addictions, and self-loathing, I educated myself and came to realize that the reason I couldn’t be happy like the people I envied was that I didn’t love myself the way they loved themselves.

For me, shifting from self-loathing to self-love has been profoundly healing.  Now I see happy, successful people and I smile, knowing that their lives are products of a series of decisions that support their well-being.
Truth be told, every second you spend doubting your worth, and every moment you use to criticize yourself, is a tragic loss – a fresh moment of your life thrown away.  And it’s not like you have forever either, so don’t waste any more of your seconds; don’t throw even one more of your moments away.  Today is the best day to start loving yourself. 

All d best,

1 comment:

  1. wow! This is so sweet. Thanks for this piece. #selflove
